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      The Evolution of Kriya Yoga

      Kriya Yoga is a process of mental purification that teaches meditation through special techniques.

      The fundamental belief of Kriya Yoga is that each of us is a miniature version of the whole cosmos, a microcosm or evolution of a new world within the microcosmic world.

      The followers of Kriya yoga also believe that the most holy supreme creator is a part of us, residing within us, and activating every action through the breath.






      The name 'Kriya' means that any work--“kri” -- is being done by the power of the indwelling soul-- “ya”.

      The different cosmic forces that control air, fire, water and earth also control the different activities that we do-- namely, religious activities, relationships with everyone and everything, food, pregnancy, and everything performed by the human body.

      Yoga, on the other hand, is the conjoining of these correspondences between microcosms and macrocosms. It is the full acceptance and belief behind the union and interaction of the individual self and the supreme self.

      The study and science of Kriya yoga is said to have a divine origin and was not created by human means and intellect.

      The modernization for this ancient yoga meditation method began in the 1860’s with Babaji. It has been handed down to the present Kriya yoga lineage of masters directly through the Master-to-disciple method of teaching.

      The disciplined path of Kriya Yoga consists of many different kinds of teaching with different angles. One looks at it as a process of beginning with self introspection through breathing controls.

      Kriya yoga teaches, that by enlightening the three qualities of light, vibration and sound simultaneously through concentration, posture and breathing, with the application of a series of techniques, a Kriya yoga disciple is able to penetrate the deepest levels of the unconscious mind.

      Through this, they can communicate with their inner god and obtain a fulfilling calmness within them.

      The process of purification is attained through diligent practice. The first thing to do is have the mind calmed and freed from any internal chatter by developing a special breathing practice.

      Then, the very process of observing the pulse, rhythm and vibrations in the body enables the seeker to escape the bondage of subtle desires.

      A deeper understanding of the triple divine qualities leads to a more chiseled concentration or a more focused mind, therefore preparing the seeker to explore zero thought and inner truth.

      All people are mired in delusion and illusion due to the duality of creation. We are seeking liberation from phenomenal suffering due to miseries from ignorance, desire and faulty actions. One should be able to realize that the supreme creator is dwelling within and as a self of all beings.

      Kriya Yoga provides us with the easiest ways to unfold this truth and unravel the deepest mysteries of godhood within us.

      Kriya yoga teaches breath control and calmness, and it aims for self- realization within one lifetime.

      Kriya yoga is a non-sectarian group and teaches that work is worship and that whatever you do is from and for the Supreme Being and creator. It teaches about the different beliefs of the origin, destiny and evolution of souls.

      A Kriya Yoga disciple believes in direct and immediate spiritual experience, and is only taught through direct contact with the teacher.































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